Step into the Future of Global Commerce with Our BBA and PGDM in Logistics Management. Empowering with Industry-Ready Skills!
University Partnership
- Intellect -
Delivering World-Class Logistics Education with University Partners
Partner to offer cutting-edge logistics education through expert-led courses, empowering students for success and shaping future leaders in logistics management.
Explore our Knowledge Bank
Career in Logistics Management
Unlock limitless employment options in a rapidly rising industry that drives global trade.
Emerging Technologies
Discover how automation, and data analytics are revolutionizing the logistics industry.
Logisitcs Management
Discover how logistics guarantees the seamless and efficient services of goods around the world.
Place where Learning Begins
Making undergraduates employable and employed
Training the young generation of rural residents to become self-sufficient and employable.
Empowering diverse learners with the skills and knowledge to excel in LogisticsÂ
The Avaan Intellect boosts youth employability and livelihoods across IndiaÂ